Brother Game Coming soon! Perseus' Descent!

Hello everyone, last night I did my best to upload the Perseus update for Persephone's Descent, and sadly the web version was too large. So, I did some soul-searching, compressed some files, and rewrote some code. But no matter what I tried the game was still just too big with Perseus's massive femboy energy, so I thought things over and decided to split the game in two!

There will now be TWO games, Persephone's Descent, and Perseus' Descent which is the same game but with a male protagonist.  I apologize if this causes any confusion.  It seems to be the easiest way to make sure you guys get the full customization experience you want.  

Perseus' Descent will be available later today. In the meantime, you can download the slightly buggy, Perseus Update which works on PC and Linux. 

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